Safeguarding Policies

    Chester Football Club and Chester FC Community Trust safeguarding policies are linked in below.

    Adult Player Code of Conduct

    Young Player Code of Conduct

    Coaches Team Managers and Club Officials Code of Conduct

    Spectators Parents Carers Code of Conduct

    Anti bullying policy



    A welfare officer has been appointed and provides a service to both the club and the community trust; in addition to ensuring that criminal records checks are undertaken the welfare officer has access to a number of other sources to provide advice and guidance on any complex issues.

    The welfare officer is Marion Needham and she may be contacted on a dedicated phone line number 07739351711 or or Any complaints relating to either children or vulnerable adults should be made to the welfare officer in the first instance.

    Whistleblowing in a safeguarding context means revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation. It can be used as an early warning system or it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken. Any person with concerns can contact 0800 169 1863 and ask for the FA’s safeguarding team, or via email to:


    Policies have been produced that fully set out the commitment to safeguarding for both children and vulnerable adults. The policy relating to children is the Football Association’s policy, the club and the community trust are fully committed to the aims and objectives set out in the FA policy. The prime focus of safeguarding for the FA relates to children and there is little emphasis on caring for vulnerable adults; the club and the commitment trust feel the care of these people is equally important has produced its own local policy relating to vulnerable adults. Full details both policies are now detailed.

    Our Safeguarding / Welfare Officers Page