BACK THE BLUES | E-Matchday II tomorrow!
Chester FC would once again like to thank fans for their continued support and donations in what is an extremely difficult time for everyone.
Following on from the E-Matchday that the club staged three weeks ago, the Blues are once again embarking on a fundraiser this Bank Holiday Monday in a bid to raise funds for the club given the current Coronavirus situation, that is leaving the club in a position where real income isn’t coming in thanks to the current issues facing football, and in our case the National League.
So, tomorrow we’re looking to have our second E-Matchday, that will allow fans to contribute wherever possible. The aim of course is to raise as much money as possible for our fan owned club, but also to have some fun at the same time.
So please get involved and contribute wherever you can.
Like our last E-Matchday, there will be the opportunity to raise funds by purchases of virtual food and drink, The Cestrian, matchday admission, and the chance to win via (the delayed) Easter Raffle tickets – all items will be available on the Chester FC Club Shop from 10am Monday morning. There will also be The Chester FC Quiz (see the link below for that) to take part in as well as looking back at some memories from the past at our club!
Jeff Banks, Chester FC director of Fan Engagement, said he hoped the virtual Bank Holiday Monday fixture would once again help to raise much needed funds for the club, “Let’s make no bones about it, the Coronavirus situation is hitting the club hard and we need to do all we can to bring some income into the football club. The E-Matchday a couple of weeks ago showed how much enjoyment we could generate from a virtual matchday, and I really hope that as many join us this Bank Holiday Monday from the comfort of their own homes given the lockdown restrictions. The last time we did this, the management, players and fans were all able to socialise together, which is what it’s all about at our level.“
There will also be the chance to pay tribute to Steve Morris, who sadly passed away last week, with a special virtual pint named ‘The Man in the Cap’ as well as some other ‘new’ drinks on offer in the virtual Blues Bar!
We have drafted an E-Matchday schedule as below from 10am on Monday:
Virtual Car Park open (£2 to enter) from 10am – £2 entry fee in memory of Steve Morris
Virtual Matchday Admission (£10) from 10am
Blues Bar open from 10am – first drink is the £2 special ‘Man in the Cap’ pint referring to Steve Morris, our man on the gate, who was frequently seen in his Chester cap.
Easter Raffle Tickets (£5) from 10am
Virtual Legends Lounge Admission (£18.85) from 10am
Virtual Blues Bar open (free admission, virtual food & drinks prices available on the club shop) from 1pm – club shop link: chesterfctretail.com
Virtual Pint – Cleggy’s ‘Get Behind the Blues’ pint available in the Blues Bar (£3)
Virtual Pint – Jonno’s ‘100%’ Anytime matchday’ pint (£3)
Virtual Pint – Bern’s ‘No excuses’ Anytime matchday pint (£3)
Virtual Pint – The Exiles ‘Early Start’ matchday pint (£3)
Virtual Kiosk Meal Deal (£3)
Virtual Choccy, Crisps & Peanuts combo (£2)
Virtual ‘The Cestrian’ programme (£2.50)
Kick Off Quiz (£1 to enter) which begins at 3pm https://www.virtualquizevents.com/quiz/easter-monday-virtual-kick-off-quiz/
CFC Memories – list your best memories of being a Chester fan from 3.20pm
Virtual Half Time ‘Embracing the Sh*tness’ pint (£3)
CFC Memories – post your one wish for Chester FC going forward from 4pm
Virtual Post Match ‘F***ing unbelievable’ Pint (£3)
Let’s raise as much money as we can during tomorrow’s Easter Monday virtual matchday!