BOOST THE BUDGET | CFU Chair Andy Morris praises support
With our next Boost the Budget update due this afternoon, at the end of the second week of the scheme, Blues Chairman Andy Morris has praised the supporters on an outstanding start.
After 12 days of the scheme, it was announced that over £75,000 has been raised in the quest to break the £100,000 barrier.
It is an incredible start, and Morris heaped praise on the Blues faithful: “The response from Chester supporters in such a short space of time has been incredible and shows the support that we have is second to none compared to Clubs at our level.”
Whilst it has been a brilliant start, Morris – not the first to do so – has stressed the importance of keeping the momentum up and hitting the 100,000 figure and beyond sooner rather than later.
He said: “It is important that supporters continue to support the Club as much as they can reasonably afford.
“The coming season, whichever level we find ourselves in, is going to have real significant financial challenges given the impact of Covid in regards to any attendance restrictions affecting matchday revenue and to the economy impacting on the ability to attract sponsors.
“This as well as the withdrawal of sponsorship support provided by Stuart Murphy means we have to recover from a doubly whammy.”
The motto Our City, Our Community, Our Club has been prominent since the Blues reformation in 2010 – and the CFU Chair believes that phrase is apt now more than ever.
“A successful football club requires the support of its local Community and – whilst the club continue to support our Community in many fantastic ways through the Trust and other initiatives – we continue to need the support of our Community now more than ever.”
With the final weekend of June about to begin, for many today could be a payday, and perhaps another chance for supporters to make their pledge to drive the total up towards the magic six figure mark.
Andy Morris said: “Any scheme like this requires continued support and whilst we come to the traditional pay weekend, I encourage all supporters, members and the wider community of Chester to donate what they can to support the Club moving forward and achieve the success our City deserves.”