The scheme enables Blues supporters to make a huge difference by contributing directly to next season’s playing budget in return for a range of exciting and exclusive rewards and experiences.
Our target is £100,000 once again this year – every penny and every pledge makes a massive difference – and for a fifth successive season you have smashed our target! Thank you for your incredible support.

You can make a one-off donation or choose to contribute monthly via Direct Debit to your selected Tier – with Boost the Budget rewards for everyone paying above £5 per month or the equivalent one-off payment.
The tiers are: Our City, Our Community, Our Club, Club Hero, and Club Legend – and each tier brings additional rewards as you raise your contribution.
Plus, we have introduced a brand new Business Tier this year, enabling you to maximise exposure for your brand while also helping us hit our Target!
If you pledged via a monthly donation last year, you will have already been contacted to say you don’t have to do anything – simply allow your direct debit to continue running!
For any general enquiries, please email
It couldn’t be simpler to donate. Regular contributions can be made via a Direct Debit (see below). Every contribution makes a difference!

Click on the desired monthly pledge amount and set up your Direct Debit today!
Direct Debits can be set up through our GoCardless Account, these links are above. Please note these will show on your bank statements as ‘GoCardless’, not ‘ChesterFC’, for technical reasons.
Direct Debits will come out of accounts on the 2nd of the month.
Bank Transfers (for one-off lump sum payments only) can be made to the account details below:
Bank Transfer (lump sum payments only)
Account Name: Chester City Supporters Society
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Bank Account: 65070431
Reference: BOOST-(your name and postcode)
Please make cheques payable to ‘Chester FC‘ quoting ‘Boost the Budget’ on the back of the cheque
Send to: Chester FC, Deva Stadium, Bumpers Lane, Chester CH1 4LT
Regular contributions can be made through a Direct Debit. You can also make a one-off payment via PayPal (below) Every contribution makes a difference!
Donate via Paypal:
Choose how much you’d like to contribute as a one-off donation
Contribution Levels and Rewards Scheme