CLUB STATEMENT | Blues will not be playing this Saturday
Following careful consideration, the Board of Chester FC has decided the club will not play any further National League North fixtures until the result of the resolutions is known.
Two weeks ago, the National League asked clubs to consider the outcome of the 2020/21 season and was required to allow 28 days for votes to be returned.
Chester FC voted to null and void the season and at that time the Board agreed to continue playing in part due to the risk of sanctions and with the expectation clubs would respond promptly to the resolutions given the serious financial challenges facing fellow members.
The National League subsequently confirmed an Independent Panel will hear each case of non-fulfilment and assess whether clubs had just cause for not playing. Given the flawed distribution of grants covering October to December and the absence of the further grant funding clubs were assured would be in place to compensate them for lost gate revenue for as long as crowds were not permitted, the Board of Chester FC strongly believes we have just cause in reaching this decision.
The Board was unanimous in its view that the ongoing uncertainty and the significant costs of remaining fully operational no longer align with our overriding responsibility of protecting the financial viability of the Club now and into next season. We will review this position once the outcome of the resolutions is known.
We have communicated our decision to this weekend’s scheduled opponents Kidderminster Harriers and thank them for their understanding.