Community Trust Update
It’s a busy time for Chester FC Community Trust as we continue to expand our programme to achieve our aims of delivering high quality sport and social inclusion provision to people of all ages and abilities.
The Trust has been working hard to develop a disability football programme and we’re delighted to announce the launch of Autism Friendly Football and Visually Impaired Football sessions in partnership with charities Cheshire Autism Practical Support and Vision Support.
In addition, the Trust is launching Women’s Walking Football sessions to provide female players with the opportunity to participate this fast growing sport.
We continue to work with partners to identify gaps in provision locally and if you have any ideas or suggestions about how the Trust might be able to reach even more people and have a positive impact on the community then please let me know via jim.green@chesterfc.com.
– Jim Green, Chief Executive, Chester FC Community Trust.
Autism Friendly Football
We have launched an autism friendly football club in partnership with Cheshire Autism Practical Support (ChAPS), a charity supporting families with autism spectrum conditions or Asperger’s syndrome, whether diagnosed or not, across Cheshire
The Trust has secured a grant of £2,000 from the One Stop Carriers for Causes scheme to run weekly training sessions specifically for children with autism spectrum conditions.
Qualified coaches and ChAPS support workers lead the sessions, which take place at Goals Soccer Centre on Saturdays from 12 noon to 1pm. The sessions are free to attend but families must be members of ChAPS.
For more information about the 80 plus activities ChAPS run every month, including how to become a member of ChAPS, visit www.cheshireautism.org.uk or call 0344 850 8607.
Visually Impaired Football
We have been working with Vision Support and Cheshire FA to develop regular sessions for visually impaired footballers.
Following a successful pilot, sessions will take place on Saturdays from 11am to 12 noon at Goals Soccer Centre and cost £2 per week.
The sessions for male and female players aged 16 or over with a visual impairment and will include skills training and adapted games, and in time it is hoped to provide opportunities for players to take part in festivals and competitions.
Vision Support is a Chester-based charity supporting vision impaired people and raising awareness of their needs. The charity provides support and services in Cheshire and North Wales in line with its mission to enhance the quality of life, promote the continuing independence, and raise awareness of vision impaired people of all ages in our community.
For further details or to book places contact Ben Richards on 07791 639512 or email community@chesterfc.com.
Women’s Walking Football
Walking football continues to grow in popularity and now women in Chester have the opportunity to take up the sport.
The Trust is starting weekly sessions specifically for female players of all ages and abilities.
Walking football is a slow-paced version of the beautiful game initially designed for the over 50s, helping to keep people active and offering a route back into playing football for those who had to stop due to injuries.
As the name suggests there is no running allowed and the game is non-contact, providing a fantastic medium for regular exercise and socialising in a fun and relaxed environment. Each session will include a warm-up, football activities such as passing and receiving, and games.
Sessions will take place on Wednesdays between 11am and 12 noon at Goals Soccer Centre. The first session is on Wednesday 19th July and the cost is just £3 per session.
For further details or to book places contact Ben Richards on 07791 639512 or email community@chesterfc.com.