FAN ENGAGEMENT | Season Ticket draw winners
As Chester fans will remember the FEWG (Fan Engagement Working Group) decided to promote season ticket sales by offering a free season ticket to boost early bird sales.
Operations board and Legend Lounge members Alan Case and Ian Swettenham very kindly offered to reward one lucky fan. Given the tremendous response from the fans to the Early Bird offer – 968 were purchased, Alan and Ian felt that the draw should be extended – so three winners were drawn!
The draw, sponsored by Swettenhams the Chemists and Alan Case, was made independently on Wednesday 18th July, and saw the following names drawn out.
Margaret Bithell, Ray Shaw and 10 year old Felix Wright
The winners were presented with their winners vouchers by Alan Case at half time in the friendly match on Saturday against Bury.
Congratulations to all the winners, and Chester FC would like to thank Alan and Ian for their very generous donation, and to you the fans who have supported the club by buying early bird season tickets in such numbers.
Season tickets sales are currently standing at 996, just a few short of our 1000 target. So if you haven’t bought one, there is still time – just phone 01244-371376 or call in at the club office.