SEALS LOTTERY | Latest results!
The latest Seals Lottery draw has taken place with the random number selector ‘button’ being pressed by Youth Academy Head Calum McIntyre, witnessed by Community Trust CEO Jim Green and Lottery Administrator Brian Burns.
1st – £525.00 no. 360 Mrs.S.Crowther
2nd – £393.75 no. 155 Mr.P.Jones
3rd – £262.50 no. 153 Mr.G.Billington
Total lottery prizes are also matched by funds going to the development of Chester Football Club
To join the Seals Lottery, download the Application form today via this link and you could be the next big winner
http://www.cityfansunited.com/docs/seals_lottery-2.pdf or pick up a form from the ticket office. (cost is £5 per number per month)
(Note : -The Seals Lottery is now open to anyone aged 16 or over).