SEASON TICKETS | 500 Blues renewals for 2020/21!
Just seven days after Chester FC’s online ticketing platform was announced, we are delighted to confirm that over 500 supporters have so far renewed their Season Tickets for the 2020/21 season!
This is a great response following our transition to the online portal, which now allows every season ticket holder to renew their season ticket online via this link: https://chesterfc.ktckts.com/
Fans who have not renewed their Season Tickets yet are urged to do by Friday 4th September at 4pm, which is when the current sales window for renewals will close.
We are also contacting those not on email to get their Season Tickets renewed ahead of Friday, as we will then be looking to put season tickets on general sale (numbers to be confirmed after 4th September).
Jeff Banks, Director of Fan Engagement, said: “It has been a mammoth effort to get to this point, and it’s been really pleasing to see over 500 fans renewing their season tickets so easily online.
“We have put a lot of time and effort into making this a straightforward process as possible, and I’m sure the fans will agree this is a step in the right direction for the football club.”
Disabled fans are encouraged to renew their season tickets online and after doing so, should email jeff.banks@chesterfc.com with any applicable Carer details as this will be dealt with separately.
The club are also requesting that Parking Season Tickets are also purchased give the new guidance for clubs to go cashless. You can purchase a Parking Season Pass for just £30 via the online ticketing website.
The Ticket Office at Chester FC will be open again from 9.30am on Tuesday 1st September, where fans can also renew over the phone.
To minimise calls, we request anyone that can complete their season ticket renewal online to help lower the number of calls made to the ticket office.
Thank you for your fantastic support!