SEASON TICKETS | Direct Debit Scheme set up

    Chester FC are delighted to announce that a trial on paying for Season Tickets via Direct Debit will start from this week.

    Season tickets go on sale tomorrow and there are two different plans that fans can take advantage of to pay for their season tickets over a 2 or 3 month period via the Direct Debit option.

    Naturally, Chester FC needs all monies for season tickets paid by July, and for any fans wishing to spread their payments over 3 months, they will need to have a Direct Debit set up by Thursday 17th May, with the first payment being collected on the 24th May, and two subsequent payments being collected on the 22nd June and 24th July respectively.

    For fans wishing to set up a Direct Debit after the 17th May, then it will be two monthly payments to make, with the first payment being collected on the 5th June and 5th July respectively.

    Chester FC Direct Debit Scheme – how does it work?

    It is a very straightforward process! Simply give Chester FC your email address, when purchasing / renewing  your season ticket, and GoCardless, our provider, will send you an email to authorise and set up your direct debit.

    The added benefit of setting up the installments via Direct Debit is that you don’t even need to go into the bank to set it up – simply email the attached Direct Debit mandate and it will be set up online for you with a very straight forward process.

    Please refer to the attached Direct Debit Scheme document which outlines the plan for payments. Unfortunately, we are unable to take payments at any other dates than those suggested due to bank charges which we are attempting to keep to a minimum.

    We hope that this gives an added incentive to purchasing a season ticket for the first time and once full payment is received for your season ticket, we’ll be in touch with collection dates for those Season Tickets, and we’re also currently working on an event for Season Ticket holders to attend and enjoy prior to the season commencing.

    We would like to thank you for your patience whilst putting this trial together, and hope that there is a great take up from it. We want it to work as much as you do, and of course every penny counts towards the future of Chester FC.