Senior Blues Meeting Recap: March 2024
Update courtesy of Les Smith…
Chairman Chris opened the meeting by paying tribute to Mark Salmon, a founder member of the Senior Blues who passed away in February.
Following this John Bithell’s Big Quiz Challenge was won yet again by a four man Committee team. Nuff said.
The main speaker was DC Andy Kevan from Cheshire Police who gave an interesting, informative, and entertaining talk on Cyber Crime with special attention being given to smart phones, devices he referred to as computers which can be used to make phone calls.
He started by declaring that it was unnecessary to make notes as he would be emailing some of the more important points of his talk for circulation to the members. He was also happy for these to be posted on line so they are repeated below in their entirety for general information.
Useful links…
1) A great site to help you lock your social media setting is www.internetmatters.org. There is a Social Media section on their page which provides a ‘step by step’ guide on how set the security setting for each site.
2) If you receive a suspicious text message forward it to 7726.
3) If you receive a suspicious email, forward them to report@phishing.gov.uk.
4) You can check to see if your data has been lost by checking your email address or phone number at: haveibeenpwned.com.
5) Protect your online world with good strong passwords. ‘Three Random Words’ – CLICK HERE
6) Use this free password checker to see if your current password is any good! – CLICK HERE
7) Reducing unwanted incoming calls – CLICK HERE. Always report any suspicious activity online particularly if you are concerned with content your child has seen or if someone has been speaking to your child you do not know.
All Social Media Sites contain adult material, so negotiating Social Media can be difficult for a child. Further information and support can be found on:
As someone who has a dumb phone (for texting and receiving calls) your illustrious scribe was pleased to learn that his movements are not being continually tracked, though I suspect that my personal profile is being regularly updated through my Fire tablet activity in the comfort of my own home, and probably not just for targeted advertising.
Perhaps the most satisfying thing I learned was making purchases on line as a “guest” was a good thing, though with Amazon and eBay that ship has long since sailed and they probably have compiled more information about me than I previously imagined.
And as someone who has recently experienced the growing ability and sophistication of scammers through simultaneous (fake) emails and landline calls, I have learned you cannot be too careful. Big thanks to Andy!
Next Meeting: Friday April 5th. Location: The Cestrian. Time: 10.30am.
Guest Speakers: Jill Nicholson, Gordale Garden Centre; Darren Court, Will Lamb and Steve Jones, Chester FC.