LIVE STREAM | How to watch Chester vs Leamington
Don’t miss a moment of the action today – as our game vs Leamington is being live streamed!
Here’s how to get access…
Match passes for today’s game are £8.99 to watch the action – with a three month pass (equivalent to ten home league games) costing just £79.99!
Simply visit www.chesterfc.com/streaming and login/register on the page. You can then select your ticket option – as below…
You will then be prompted to make your payment.
We anticipate the stream going on the air at approximately 2.30pm with a holding page. The video and audio will start to get underway from 2.45pm onwards, with kick off at 3pm.
We have been working in an extremely tight window to get everything ready for this weekend and, although we have undertaken extensive testing, the experiences of other clubs mean we may encounter some teething problems with a new platform.
We ask our fantastic supporters for patience and understanding with the streaming service in its infancy.
All Season Ticket holders will be emailed their access code between now and 1.30pm ahead of the game. Anyone with a Season Ticket is entitled to a FREE pass (if they selected Option A on their ST, CLICK HERE).
Due to the high volume of codes, this may take some time. We thank you in advance for your patience.
If your code has not arrived by 1.30pm, please email fans@chesterfc.com.
You can register with our streaming service before your code arrives to speed up the process. You will then simply login or register as non-season ticket holders do above.
IMPORTANT: For your voucher to work, you MUST select the £79.99 option.
You will then click the add voucher button as circled below, and enter your code to access the match.
For all payment and access related issues, please visit https://support.inplayer.com/
For all stream and content related inquiries, please contact fans@chesterfc.com