NEWS | Senior Blues meeting recap – October 2022
Senior Blues Members Meeting recap for October 2022, thanks to Les Smith for providing the update!
The Guest Speaker at a very well attended meeting was Chris Matheson, who at the time was MP for Chester. He spoke about a number of football finance and governance related topics and took questions on a wide range of subjects including transgender participation in sport, the Qatar World Cup, immigration, the cross-border problems with the Deva Stadium, and empty shops in the City centre.
Chairman Chris thanked speaker Chris and after the raffle, and announcements about the November AGM and the Christmas dinner, members arranged themselves into 13 roughly (numerically) equal teams for John Bithell’s Senior Blues Quiz Challenge which comprised 30 questions, skilfully tailored towards those of advancing years, and covering sport, music, films, and other odds and sods from days gone by. There were even questions on the minutiae of Chester FC, surely only known to the anoraks among us. Having said that, the team led by Treasurer Martin Williams (because he had a pen) and which contained 4 other committee members, romped home with a magnificent 29/36 and despite demands for a stewards enquiry were declared the winners. For any other pedant reading this who is having trouble with the maths, there were 6 two-part questions. Thanks John. Next Quiz, March 2023.
Next Meeting
Friday 4th November 10.30, Blues Bar. Guest speakers Kate Mylchreest (CFU Board and Storyhouse Head of Development) and Jonathan Legard (Sports Reporter, Commentator, and lifelong Chester fan).