PROGRAMME | How to WIN every single Chester FC home programme for 2019-20!
Last season, fans were given a great chance to win a FREE copy of The Cestrian matchday programme at every home game during the 2019/20 season.
Those buying their copy of The Cestrian were asked to collect just 10 tokens from the whole season’s worth of programmes, with one lucky winner being selected from an end of season draw.
The time has come to send in your entries and fans can do this in a number of ways. In all cases please include your name, address, contact number and email address).
You can either send:
By post – send in 10 cut out tokens to The Cestrian Competition, Chester FC, Swansway Chester Stadium, Bumpers Lane, Chester CH1 4LT.
By email – send an image – just take one picture of 10 different copies of The Cestrian front cover – this means you don’t have to cut the tokens out of your programme) and send the email to fewg@chesterfc.com
By Twitter – as per the email instructions above but send via direct message on Twitter to @CFCFEWG
Closing date for entries will be Sunday 16 June and the winner will be randomly selected and notified thereafter.
Good Luck!