RACE NIGHT | Coming Friday 23rd Feb!
The Chester FC Fundraising Workgroup are pleased to announce that a Race Night will be held at the Blues Bar on Friday 23rd February.
The evening will start at 7:30pm and their will be a total of 10 races during the evening, plus a raffle and Deal or No Deal game.
Admission is free but to manage anticipated numbers (capped at 120) we request those wishing to attend purchase a ticket for £5, which can then be redeemed on the Tote during the evening.
Tickets will be available from the Fundraising Team on Wednesday Evening in the Blues Bar and then from the Club Offices during normal opening times.
There are 72 horses available for purchase at a cost of £5 each. Each winning horse owner will receive a prize. These are also available from the Fundraising Team and then from the Club Offices.
10 Races are available for Sponsorship with a minimum sponsorship of £100 requested. Anyone wishing to sponsor a Race should contact the Fundraising Team via fundraising@chesterfc.com
Sponsors of each race will receive naming rights for their race, their logo included both within the programme and their race presentation.
We are also seeking an Evening Sponsor, for a minimum donation of £500. The evening sponsor will also receive a full page advert within the Race Programme along with numerous mentions during the evening.
We hope that you can support this evening and make this a night to remember!
Your Fundraising Workgroup.