SQUADBUILDER RAFFLE | Chance for you to win a bespoke armchair!
Chester FC fans have the opportunity to win this bespoke armchair that has been made by Gary Bleackley who is the step-father of Joint First Team Manager, Bernard Morley, and an upholsterer by trade.
The armchair features the Chester FC logo and the back will be signed by the First Team Squad.
The ‘chair is being raffled. Tickets cost £1 and can be purchased via the following channels:
- Members of the Fundraising Team on Match Days
- PayPal via payment to the fundraising@chesterfc.com account – photo(s) of purchased ticket(s) will be emailed to the purchaser
- Bank Transfer using Sort Code: 08-92-99 Bank Account: 65070431 Reference: CHAIR-(your name) – please email fundraising@chesterfc.com to request photo(s) of your ticket(s)
Draw will take place on 30th November. Online purchases available until 27th November