Blue Army Required!
As the club prepares for the new season, we are determined to do everything we can to prepare and make the stadium experience for fans, players and staff of the highest level it can possibly be.
Work has been carrying on throughout the close season with more investment in the playing surface than ever before and now we are looking to call once again on our extended army of Blues fans! Whether you are a regular volunteer or occasional visitor – come and help us go the extra mile in preparing the stadium for the new season.
We’ve put together a scope of works ranging from edging and weeding around the outside of the pitch, to touching up the paintwork and jet washing and all we ask is that if you have any time available between Monday 3rd and Friday 21st July you email the club on commercial@chesterfc.com. Simply let us know how much time you can give and the type of work you can do and we will happily welcome you along.
In an additional call to arms we are launching a gym kit amnesty. For all those well intentioned fans who have somehow abandoned any exercise equipment whether it be weights, running machines, rowing machines or other related equipment we are looking to provide more on site equipment to supplement our brilliant relationship with Total Fitness in Chester.
Drop your donations down to the ground and they will be gratefully received.
The atmosphere is fantastic around the place at the moment and we’re determined to elevate it to even higher levels as we prepare for kick off on the 5th August.